Data Mualaf

Number of Mualaf
Number of Advisor
Number of Volunteers
Mualaf Man
Woman Mualaf

Male Data

Statistics by male mualaf

200 Male

Female Data

Statistics by female mualaf

466 Female

Country of Origin Data

Statistics by country of origin

Provincial Origin Data

Statistics by provincial origin

Monthly Mualaf Data

Statistics by population growth

Data Kategori Usia

Statistics by age category


Based on the data we have throughout 2017, the total number of converts up to November 2017 is 2,857 people, divided as follows:

  1. SES B – C still strongly dominates among those who convert to Islam, where those with household expenses between 2 – 4 million per month
  2. And SES < C is still quite a lot, namely those whose household expenses are below 2 million per month
  3. In June – July there was an increase in converts from SES A++ with an average expenditure between 7.5 million and 12.5 million, they are usually traders who also feel the beauty of the month of Ramadan and then decide to convert to Islam.
  4. Entering December, there is an increase in the number of converts like the previous year,